Monthly Archives: June 2011

Cilantro Turkey Burger Sliders

I’m definitely in one of my “uninspired” modes lately when it comes to cooking. With the weather finally staying (fairly) nice and more friends around to spend time with, the last thing I want to do is come home and turn on the oven. This has unfortunately resulted in a few too many nights of either a plain pasta or takeout meal — not good on the diet or the wallet. Last night, I turned to an old favorite recipe for a little salvation: turkey burger sliders.

Ground white or breast meat turkey is leaner than beef, and much lower in cholesterol (note: just “ground turkey” that includes dark meat isn’t much better… be sure that the package specifies what kind it is!). These sliders are also really quick and easy to make which is great when you hit a lazy streak like me! You can feel free to vary the recipe a bit depending on your taste. My boyfriend loves to throw some diced jalapenos into the patties before they’re cooked, while I prefer mine as-is with a few slices of avocado on top.


1lb ground turkey breast (or white turkey meat)

1 medium onion (red or white) finely chopped

1/4 cup fresh cilantro, chopped

8 mini slider buns (I recommend the ones from Trader Joe’s!)

1. Combine turkey meat, onion and cilantro. Mix until evenly distributed.

2. Form 8 mini-patties. Note that ground turkey is very sticky and not easy to work with like ground beef. The patties don’t need to be perfectly flattened at this point.

3. Heat a non-stick grill pan over medium heat. Cook patties for about 8 minutes, flipping and flattening them with a spatula a few times.

4. Serve on mini slider buns with condiments of choice!

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Filed under Food, Recipes

No Rain

Alright, everyone… don’t make fun of me please. Today I am proud to present my first feeble attempt at photo editing beyond cropping! Let me tell you, it took a long time too. It has been a long time since I’ve taken lessons in Photoshop, and it definitely didn’t come back to me easily.

Anyway, I’ll make this short and sweet since it’s Friday and we all have better things to be doing! It has been raining nonstop here in New York, and I’m over it. I’d much prefer an outfit like this one to the drab skirt and rain boots that I’ve been sporting lately (did I also mention that it’s 80 degrees and humid? Ugh). Time for the sun and high heeled sandals!

1. Printed Silk-Taffeta Top, See by Chloe, $206.50

2. Neon Lace Midi Skirt, ASOS, $77.58

3. Keeva Sandal, Boutique 9, $150.00

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Filed under Fashion, Shopping

Re-naming and Re-design: City Coeur!

After over a year of being Non-Plastic, I decided that it was time to assess where I wanted to go with this blog, and how I’m going to get there. The first step was definitely a re-naming of the blog to align more properly with what I write about — namely, being young in New York City and everything that goes along with that: fashion, food, culture and those experiences that are just so uniquely “New York” that they can’t be defined. My new name, City Coeur, is a play on the expression in French, ” le cœur de la cité,” or “the heart of the city.” Here, you’ll find the things that are the pulse of my life here, whether it’s a new recipe cooked in my signature NYC kitchen (read: TINY!), or the styles that I’m seeing and loving.

Bear with me as I work on giving the blog a facelift, and please feel free to get in touch any time at citycoeur {at} gmail {dot} com. Thanks!


Filed under New York City, Random